If you are a NEW PATIENT we are happy to MAIL you hard-copies of our patient registration forms prior to your first appointment with us. If you prefer to print the forms yourself we have provided them below. The forms are set up to print double-sided copies.
Whichever method you choose, filling out the paperwork prior to your appointment and bringing them with you will allow us to attend to your dental needs more efficiently than completing them on your arrival.
Thank you and please call Amy, Nan, or Barb at 775-782-9755 if you have any questions.
New Patient Forms:
Confidential Patient Registration and Consent for Dental Treatment
Notice Of Dragon Dental Patient Privacy Practices - HIPAA
Patient HIPAA Acknowledgement/Info Disclosure and Dragon Dental Written Financial Policy
Confidential Patient Dental and Medical Health History
Other Patient Forms that you may need for your initial appointment:
Dental X-Rays Release
Permission To Treat A Dependent
Additional Informational Documents: Periodontal Surgery Post-Op Instructions
Bleaching Instructions
Occlusal Splints for Temporomandibular (TMD) Disorders, Bruxism or Clenching
Physical Therapy for Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)
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